The Ministry of Works and Transport has launched a National Road Safety Action Plan. The five-year National Road Safety Action Plan has an overall plan of reducing road crash fatalities and injuries by 25% for the period between 2022 - 2026.
The Action plan is a strategic document aligned with the global plan as a guiding tool geared at preventing and reducing 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by 2030.
The National Road Safety Plan strategically outlines the aspirations of the Ministry in improving service delivery to the people of Uganda through reducing road crash fatalities and injuries and continued support in ensuring the safety and security on the roads.
The overall purpose of this National Road Safety Action Plan is, therefore, to develop, implement and evaluate actions that will systematically improve the safety of road transport systems in the country over the next five years.
Implementation of the Plan will emphasize a multi-sectoral approach involving all the key stakeholders identified in the mapping exercise. The stakeholders played an invaluable role in the preparation of this Action Plan.
The key stakeholders include; the Parliament of Uganda, Ministry of Health (MoH), the Uganda Police Force (UPF), The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA). Civil Society organizations also play and instrumental role, these include; the Safeway Right Way (SWRW) and the Centre for Policy Analysis (CEPA), the Road Safety Advocacy Coalition Uganda (ROSACU) and the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI).
The Plan outlines key thematic areas of action of implementation in line with the Global Plan for the Decade of Action: Road Safety Management, Safe Road Infrastructure, Vehicle Safety, Safe Road Use and Post-Crash Response. A detailed Activity Implementation Action Plan costing over UGX 645bn has been prepared