The Government of Uganda procured Road Construction Equipment from Japan and distributed different types and models of road construction equipment to Local Governments (LGs), Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) and Regional Mechanical Workshops (RMWs) of MoWT between 2017 and 2018.
The equipment included among others; Wheel Loaders, Motor Graders, Excavators, Low Beds, Vibro Rollers, Bulldozers, Water Bowsers and Dump Trucks.
In an effort to match the investment in equipment with the necessary human resource, the Ministry through the Department of Mechanical Engineering carries out training of the operators from the various Districts.
A group of 73 operators both male and female have just recently concluded a training at the Bukalasa School of Agriculture. The group underwent a two week both classroom and hands-on site training on the proper use and maintenance of the various equipment.
Qualified, well trained and motivated operators complete works more efficiently, are less likely to damage equipment and ensure the optimization of road construction works.