Rehabilitation and drainage improvement of the railway line at Magamaga and Budumbuli

Project Details



Project Name:

Rehabilitation and drainage Improvement of the Railway line at Magamaga and Budumbuli


Kato Contractors Limited


Uganda Railways Corporation (URC)


GOU Institutional support through MOWT

Works Contract Price:

481,415,220 UGX

Start  Date:

8th November 2018

Contract Period:

2 Months

Intended Completion Date

7th February 2019

Time Extension Granted

12 Days

Reason for time extension

Variation Order

Further Extension approved

28 days

Reason for further time extension

Inclement weather, provision of LSBs & Engineering train

Revised Completion Date

20th March 2019

Defects liability Period

6 Weeks

Physical progress


Financial status



Project Overview

Rehabilitation and drainage improvement of the railway line at Magamaga and Budumbuli was identified as a key project in improving the track availability which was affected by the speed restrictions and the occasional line blocks at these locations. Both these locations are within cut sections stretching from Mileage 312/4 to 312/8 at Magamaga, and Mileage 322/2 to 322/6 at Budumbuli.

Due to the proximity of human activity to the railway track especially at Budumbuli, catch water drains were blocked by waste resulting into surface runoff and attendant sedimentation being directed onto the railway track. Additionally, boulders on the steep back slopes became unstuck and were released onto the railway track during heavy rains. All this led to line blocks in order to clear the track of the debris or temporary speed restrictions (TSRs).

At Magamaga, all the surface run-off from the surrounding hills was directed onto the railway track due to inadequate and blocked catch water drains. This coupled with the shallow and blocked side drains within the cut section, led to water ponding on the railway track that caused train failures (wheel slip) and line blocks. Eventually, this water ponding led to an unstable track and speed restrictions due to a weak formation.

As such, this project was identified to rehabilitate the railway line through re-ballasting at these sections with contaminated or no ballast and poor track joints as well as improving the drainage at these locations through stone pitching of the side drains, opening the catch water drains and culvert construction.

Due to a limited available budget, a variation order was issued to extend the coverage of the drainage improvement (stone pitching) in lieu of the re-ballasting. The project would play a key role in improving track availability in line with its 5 year strategic plan as one of its strategic objectives.

Scope of works

  • Weeding and bush clearing
  • Ballasting
  • Drainage improvement works; stone pitching works for side drains and opening catch water drains
  • Culvert construction; Access and railway cross culverts
  • Gabion construction
  • Earth works; Shaping back slopes